Luchtverdeling en brandkleppen
Linear vloerrooster

Model FG Light or Medium duty linear floor grille is designed to satisfy light or medium load requirements in recessed openings. Constructed from aluminium extrusions using a 6.5mm blade on a 13.5mm pitch with a flangeless border having a fixed core as standard or optional removable core. The Model FGL has a light duty inner blade whilst the Model FGM includes an ‘I’ Beam inner blade for added strength in medium duty applications. Model FG can be used on either supply or extract systems and may be fitted with an optional opposed blade damper.
Model F20 and F25 Light or Medium duty flanged linear bar floor grille is designed to satisfy light or medium load requirements. Constructed from aluminium extrusions using a 6.5mm blade on a 13.5mm pitch with either a 20mm or 25mm wide flange border having a fixed core as standard or optional removable core. The Models F20L and F25L have a light duty inner blade as standard, whilst the Models F20M and F25M include an ‘I’ beam inner blade for added strength in medium duty applications. Model F20 & F25 can be used on either supply or extract systems and may be fitted with an optional opposed blade damper.
Model FRO Light Duty rollout linear floor grille is designed to satisfy light load requirements in recessed openings where a removable lay in core is required to allow easy access beneath the finished floor level. Constructed from aluminium extrusions using a 6.5mm blade on a 13.5mm pitch mounted on steel springs having black spacers between each blade. Model FRO can be used on eithersupply or extract systems.