Luchtverdeling en brandkleppen

Displacement ventilation systems, as the name implies, rely on a displacement process of the supply air into the occupied zone. Typically the supply air is introduced at low level and at a low velocity to displace the room air and provide layers of cool fresh air in the occupied zone while the extract removes stale air at high level. Supply air temperature differentials are normally low and offer the opportunity to take advantage of using fresh air based on “free cooling” for much of the year.
The SD range of displacement diffusers are ideally suited for use in areas with high heat loads requiring air volumes up to 2800 l/s. By using the effects of convection to lift the supply air from heat sources, whilst at the same time removing any pollutants, the air is then extracted at high level, thus creating an even temperature, draught free, clean environment.Four conventional shapes are available, Corner, Semi-Circular, Circular and Rectangular. More unconventional Trapezoidal and Hexagonal shapes are also available, on request.